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Produkte: 1-30 / 161
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Gogle narciarskie Poc POCito Iris orange 2015/2016
Gogle POCito posiadaj± takie same w³a¶ciwo¶ci jak gogle dla doros³ych, z tym, ¿e s± mniejsze. Podwójna szybka, wewnêtrzna strona zbudowana z tworzywa amorficznego CP (propionian celulozy).Szk³a posiadaj± w³a¶ciwo¶ci przeciwmgielne oraz pokryte s± pow³ok± odporn± na zadrapania.

Marke: POC

64,58 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gogle narciarskie Poc POCito Iris pink 2015/2016
Gogle POCito posiadaj± takie same w³a¶ciwo¶ci jak gogle dla doros³ych, z tym, ¿e s± mniejsze. Podwójna szybka, wewnêtrzna strona zbudowana z tworzywa amorficznego CP (propionian celulozy).Szk³a posiadaj± w³a¶ciwo¶ci przeciwmgielne oraz pokryte s± pow³ok± odporn± na zadrapania.

Marke: POC

64,58 €
oben Produktdetails:

Helmet Poc POCITO CRANE pomarañczowy 2020
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2020 BMX

Marke: POC

85,41 €
oben Produktdetails:

Helmet Poc POCITO CRANE limonkowy 2020
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2020 BMX

Marke: POC

85,41 €
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Helmet Poc POCITO CRANE ró¿owy 2020
Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2020 BMX

Marke: POC

87,26 €
oben Produktdetails:

Helmet Poc POCITO CRANE niebieski 2020
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2020 BMX

Marke: POC

87,26 €
oben Produktdetails:

Helmet Poc CRANE Kalkopyrit Blue Matt 2020
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2020 BMX
Crane to kask dla rowerzystów, wyró¿niaj±cy siê bardzo wysok± odporno¶ci± na uderzenia i deformacje. Oparty o technologiê MIPS, zapogiej±c± przed nadmiernymi wstrz±sami oraz urazami.

Marke: POC

96,06 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kask POC TRABEC Niebieski
Kask przeznaczony do jazdy w warunkach  górskich i urozmaiconym, trudnym terenie ( single-track, enduro etc.)
Wielokrotnie nagradzany dobrze wentylowany kask w technologi in-mold, ³±cz±cy funkcjonalno¶æ z wydajno¶ci±. Paski zosta³y zintegrowane z zewnêtrzn± skorup± PC tak aby by³y mniej widoczne. Trabec zbudowany jest podobnie do ko¶ci beleczkowej (g±bczastej) z ang. Trabecular bone, która charakteryzuje siê du¿ym oporem i trwa³o¶ci±.

Marke: POC

103,93 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kask przeznaczony do jazdy w warunkach  górskich i urozmaiconym, trudnym terenie ( single-track, enduro etc.)
Wielokrotnie nagradzany dobrze wentylowany kask w technologi in-mold, ³±cz±cy funkcjonalno¶æ z wydajno¶ci±. Paski zosta³y zintegrowane z zewnêtrzn± skorup± PC tak aby by³y mniej widoczne. Trabec zbudowany jest podobnie do ko¶ci beleczkowej (g±bczastej) z ang. Trabecular bone, która charakteryzuje siê du¿ym oporem i trwa³o¶ci±.

Marke: POC

103,93 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kask POC TRABEC Czarny
Kask przeznaczony do jazdy w warunkach  górskich i urozmaiconym, trudnym terenie ( single-track, enduro etc.)
Wielokrotnie nagradzany dobrze wentylowany kask w technologi in-mold, ³±cz±cy funkcjonalno¶æ z wydajno¶ci±. Paski zosta³y zintegrowane z zewnêtrzn± skorup± PC tak aby by³y mniej widoczne. Trabec zbudowany jest podobnie do ko¶ci beleczkowej (g±bczastej) z ang. Trabecular bone, która charakteryzuje siê du¿ym oporem i trwa³o¶ci±.

Marke: POC

103,93 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kask POC TRABEC Czerwony
Kask przeznaczony do jazdy w warunkach  górskich i urozmaiconym, trudnym terenie ( single-track, enduro etc.)
Wielokrotnie nagradzany dobrze wentylowany kask w technologi in-mold, ³±cz±cy funkcjonalno¶æ z wydajno¶ci±. Paski zosta³y zintegrowane z zewnêtrzn± skorup± PC tak aby by³y mniej widoczne. Trabec zbudowany jest podobnie do ko¶ci beleczkowej (g±bczastej) z ang. Trabecular bone, która charakteryzuje siê du¿ym oporem i trwa³o¶ci±.

Marke: POC

103,93 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gogle narciarskie Poc Retina red 2015/2016
Gogle Retina zosta³y zaprojektowane z my¶l± o szerokim k±cie widzenia, który zapewnia poprawê czasu reakcji oraz ogólne bezpieczeñstwo podczas jazdy. Model ten posiada wysokiej jako¶ci szybki o doskona³ych w³a¶ciwo¶ciach przeciwmgielnych oraz pokryte pow³ok± odporn± na zadrapania. Soczewki NXT, które zosta³y zastosowane w szk³ach zapewniaj± doskona³e w³a¶ciwo¶ci optyczne, takie jak jasno¶æ czy wysok± rozdzielczo¶æ. Uzupe³nieniem gogli Retina jest model WO przeznaczony dla kobiet. Poza standardowymi cechami podstawowego modelu posiada inn± g±bkê wewnêtrzn±, zaprojektowan± specjalnie dla kobiet.

Marke: POC

115,50 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gogle narciarskie Poc Retina navy blue 2015/2016
Gogle Retina zosta³y zaprojektowane z my¶l± o szerokim k±cie widzenia, który zapewnia poprawê czasu reakcji oraz ogólne bezpieczeñstwo podczas jazdy. Model ten posiada wysokiej jako¶ci szybki o doskona³ych w³a¶ciwo¶ciach przeciwmgielnych oraz pokryte pow³ok± odporn± na zadrapania. Soczewki NXT, które zosta³y zastosowane w szk³ach zapewniaj± doskona³e w³a¶ciwo¶ci optyczne, takie jak jasno¶æ czy wysok± rozdzielczo¶æ. Uzupe³nieniem gogli Retina jest model WO przeznaczony dla kobiet. Poza standardowymi cechami podstawowego modelu posiada inn± g±bkê wewnêtrzn±, zaprojektowan± specjalnie dla kobiet.

Marke: POC

120,13 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gogle narciarskie Poc Retina Big Comp white 2015/2016
Gogle Retina zosta³y zaprojektowane z my¶l± o szerokim k±cie widzenia, który zapewnia poprawê czasu reakcji oraz ogólne bezpieczeñstwo podczas jazdy. Model ten posiada wysokiej jako¶ci szybki o doskona³ych w³a¶ciwo¶ciach przeciwmgielnych oraz pokryte pow³ok± odporn± na zadrapania. Soczewki NXT, które zosta³y zastosowane w szk³ach zapewniaj± doskona³e w³a¶ciwo¶ci optyczne, takie jak jasno¶æ czy wysok± rozdzielczo¶æ. Uzupe³nieniem gogli Retina jest model WO przeznaczony dla kobiet. Poza standardowymi cechami podstawowego modelu posiada inn± g±bkê wewnêtrzn±, zaprojektowan± specjalnie dla kobiet.

Marke: POC

120,13 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kask narciarski Poc Fornix white 2015/2016
Kask bardzo lekki z mo¿liwo¶ci± regulacji wentylacji. Wykorzystany zosta³ najbardziej zaawansowany system budowy skorupy z u¿yciem w³ókien aramidowych, zapewniaj±cych ponadprzeciêtn± ochronê g³owy. Kask posiada regulacjê.

Marke: POC

120,36 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Auric hydrogen white ski helmet 2017/2018
The lightweight and highly ventilated Auric helmet has a durable ABS shell and a multi-impact EPP liner, which is strategically thicker in the most exposed areas. The Auric provides increased protection for the ears and temples and is compatible for use with a beanie and goggles underneath. The soft internal padding makes sure the helmet stays safe and comfortable in place and the padding can also be adjusted for ventilation. The Auric helmet has been developed in collaboration with POC team athlete Aaron Blunck.

Marke: POC

127,07 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Auric lead blue ski helmet 2017/2018
The lightweight and highly ventilated Auric helmet has a durable ABS shell and a multi-impact EPP liner, which is strategically thicker in the most exposed areas. The Auric provides increased protection for the ears and temples and is compatible for use with a beanie and goggles underneath. The soft internal padding makes sure the helmet stays safe and comfortable in place and the padding can also be adjusted for ventilation. The Auric helmet has been developed in collaboration with POC team athlete Aaron Blunck.

Marke: POC

127,07 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Auric uranium black ski helmet 2017/2018
The lightweight and highly ventilated Auric helmet has a durable ABS shell and a multi-impact EPP liner, which is strategically thicker in the most exposed areas. The Auric provides increased protection for the ears and temples and is compatible for use with a beanie and goggles underneath. The soft internal padding makes sure the helmet stays safe and comfortable in place and the padding can also be adjusted for ventilation. The Auric helmet has been developed in collaboration with POC team athlete Aaron Blunck.

Marke: POC

127,07 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Auric methane green ski helmet 2017/2018
The lightweight and highly ventilated Auric helmet has a durable ABS shell and a multi-impact EPP liner, which is strategically thicker in the most exposed areas. The Auric provides increased protection for the ears and temples and is compatible for use with a beanie and goggles underneath. The soft internal padding makes sure the helmet stays safe and comfortable in place and the padding can also be adjusted for ventilation. The Auric helmet has been developed in collaboration with POC team athlete Aaron Blunck.

Marke: POC

127,07 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Iris Comp glucose red ski goggles 2016/2017
Herren 2016/2017
NEW Season 2016/17

The Iris Comp comes with race specific tints, made of optical grade PC/ CP that is anti-fog and anti-scratch treated to promote vision and resi- stance. The Iris Comp goggles have a soft PU frame with a triple-layer face foam for a optimal fit and the silicone grip on the inside of the strap makes sure they stay perfectly in place. Compatible with all Iris double lenses. Included: Two race specific lenses (Smokey Yellow and Trans- parent) are included when buying the Iris Comp goggles.

Marke: POC

131,47 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Iris Comp hydrogen white ski goggles 2016/2017
Herren 2016/2017
NEW Season 2016/17

The Iris Comp comes with race specific tints, made of optical grade PC/ CP that is anti-fog and anti-scratch treated to promote vision and resi- stance. The Iris Comp goggles have a soft PU frame with a triple-layer face foam for a optimal fit and the silicone grip on the inside of the strap makes sure they stay perfectly in place. Compatible with all Iris double lenses. Included: Two race specific lenses (Smokey Yellow and Trans- parent) are included when buying the Iris Comp goggles.

Marke: POC

131,47 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Iris Comp uranium black ski goggles 2016/2017
Herren 2016/2017
NEW Season 2016/17

The Iris Comp comes with race specific tints, made of optical grade PC/ CP that is anti-fog and anti-scratch treated to promote vision and resi- stance. The Iris Comp goggles have a soft PU frame with a triple-layer face foam for a optimal fit and the silicone grip on the inside of the strap makes sure they stay perfectly in place. Compatible with all Iris double lenses. Included: Two race specific lenses (Smokey Yellow and Trans- parent) are included when buying the Iris Comp goggles.

Marke: POC

131,47 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Iris Comp hexane yellow ski goggles 2016/2017
Herren 2016/2017
NEW Season 2016/17

The Iris Comp comes with race specific tints, made of optical grade PC/ CP that is anti-fog and anti-scratch treated to promote vision and resi- stance. The Iris Comp goggles have a soft PU frame with a triple-layer face foam for a optimal fit and the silicone grip on the inside of the strap makes sure they stay perfectly in place. Compatible with all Iris double lenses. Included: Two race specific lenses (Smokey Yellow and Trans- parent) are included when buying the Iris Comp goggles.

Marke: POC

131,47 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Iris Comp butylene blue ski goggles 2016/2017
Herren 2016/2017
NEW Season 2016/17

The Iris Comp comes with race specific tints, made of optical grade PC/ CP that is anti-fog and anti-scratch treated to promote vision and resi- stance. The Iris Comp goggles have a soft PU frame with a triple-layer face foam for a optimal fit and the silicone grip on the inside of the strap makes sure they stay perfectly in place. Compatible with all Iris double lenses. Included: Two race specific lenses (Smokey Yellow and Trans- parent) are included when buying the Iris Comp goggles.

Marke: POC

131,47 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Pocito Fornix pink Ski Helmet 2017/2018
Mädchenhaft 2017/2018
POCito Fornix is a kids’ version of the award winning Fornix helmet. The helmet is aramid reinforced, well-ventilated and equipped with a size adjustment system that makes it possible to customize the fit of the helmet to ensure it stays safe and comfortable in place. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection.

Marke: POC

131,70 €
oben Produktdetails:

Poc Pocito Fornix orange Ski Helmet 2017/2018
Knabenhaft 2017/2018
POCito Fornix is a kids’ version of the award winning Fornix helmet. The helmet is aramid reinforced, well-ventilated and equipped with a size adjustment system that makes it possible to customize the fit of the helmet to ensure it stays safe and comfortable in place. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection.

Marke: POC

131,70 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Fornix lactose red ski helmet 2016/2017
The award winning Fornix is a lightweight, aramid reinforced and well-ventilated helmet. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection. The aramid allows energy to be dispersed over the entire bridge, giving the helmet better energy absorption.

Marke: POC

138,42 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Fornix araldit grey ski helmet 2016/2017
The award winning Fornix is a lightweight, aramid reinforced and well-ventilated helmet. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection. The aramid allows energy to be dispersed over the entire bridge, giving the helmet better energy absorption.

Marke: POC

138,42 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Fornix bohrium red ski helmet 2016/2017
The award winning Fornix is a lightweight, aramid reinforced and well-ventilated helmet. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection. The aramid allows energy to be dispersed over the entire bridge, giving the helmet better energy absorption.

Marke: POC

138,42 €
oben Produktdetails:

POC Fornix methane green ski helmet 2016/2017
The award winning Fornix is a lightweight, aramid reinforced and well-ventilated helmet. By applying aramid strings and molding them together with the foam liner, it was possible to develop a lightweight helmet while maintaining structural stability and a high level of protection. The aramid allows energy to be dispersed over the entire bridge, giving the helmet better energy absorption.

Marke: POC

138,42 €
oben Produktdetails:
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