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Ski Gloves - Produktarchiv

SORTIMENT » Ski- und Snowboard-kleidung » Ski Gloves
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Gloves for juniors ROSSIGNOL PERF BLACK
Rossignol - francuski producent nart i wszelkich innych sprzêtów narciarskich. 

Firma powsta³a w 1907 roku. 

Produkty firmy Rossignol s± bardzo rozpowszechnione w ¶wiecie, 

jest to jedna z najpopularniejszych firm produkuj±cych sprzêt narciarski.

Rossignol  Rêkawiczki Perf  Black

Zapinane na rzep ,
specjalny material antypo¶lizgowy od wewnetrznej strony d³oni pozwalajacy na pewny chwyt.

Marke: Rossignol

15,71 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rêkawiczki softshellowe Black Diamond Mont Blanc
Rêkawiczki softshellowe Black Diamond Mont Blanc to typowy model skierowany do aktywnych na górskich szlakach biegaczy, czy rowerzystów. Materia³ softshellowy chroni d³onie, gdy w górach wieje zimny wiatr, a tak¿e zapewnia oddychalno¶æ, co pozwoli na zadbanie o suchy klimat wokó³ d³oni.

Marke: Black Diamond

16,39 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Rossignol K NOA G dzieciêce
Kinder 2012/2013
Kolorowe rêkawice dzieciêce - zapewniaj± ciep³o i chroni± przed wilgoci±.



Kod prouktu: RL2YG12

Podszewka: Bembeg

Wykoñczenie: Sotina - Micro fleece

Wewnêtrzna czê¶æ d³oni: Soft PU grip

Izolacja: Soft Fiberfil


Marke: Rossignol

16,65 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves for juniors ROSSIGNOL LENA

Juniorskie rêkawiczki firmy Rossignol

Ciep³e i nieprzemakaj±ce rêkawiczki juniorskie.

Wyposa¿one s± w gumki zak³adane na nadgarstek aby nie gubiæ rêkawic, ¶ci±gacz w nadgarstku, klamrê umo¿liwiaj±c± spiêcie rêkawic razem. Dodatkowo wewnêtrzna czê¶æ rêkawicy wzmocniona gumowanym materia³em a w mankiet wszyty jest wewnêtrzny rêkaw wykonany z mi³ego materia³u.


Marke: Rossignol

17,59 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Popy IMPR G RLIYG07 304 Ski Gloves
Mädchenhaft | Kinder Synthetische

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

18,53 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Popy IMPR G RLIYG07 964 Ski Gloves
Mädchenhaft | Kinder Synthetische

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

18,53 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Rossignol B82 G Juniorskie
Rêkawice renomowanej firmy ROSSIGNOL

Model: B81 JR

Juniorskie rekawice o bardzo ³adnym wygl±dzie .
Posiadaja ¶ciagacze .
Bardzo przyjemne w dotyku i zarazem super Ciep³e.
Odporne na wilgoæ oraz bardzo dobrze oddychajace.

Marke: Rossignol

19,23 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Rossignol JR CASCADE G dzieciêce
Kinder 2012/2013

Rêkawice dzieciêce o sportowym kroju i bardzo wysokiej jako¶ci.




Kod produktu: RL2YG07

Podszewka: Bembeg

Wykoñczenie: Herringbone - Sotina

Wewnêtrzna strona d³oni: PU rubber grip

Izolacja: Soft Fiberfil

Marke: Rossignol

19,23 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Rooster G RLIYG09 280 2020 Ski Gloves
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

20,87 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Rooster G RLIYG09 304 2020 Ski Gloves
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

20,87 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Rooster G RLIYG09 374 2020 Ski Gloves
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

20,87 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Rooster G RLIYG09 964 2020 Ski Gloves
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

20,87 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rêkawiczki Gabel Liner Gloves
Rêkawiczki bawe³niane renomowanej holenderskiej firmy akcesoryjnej Barts, rêkawiczki cienkie wykonane w 95% z bawe³ny oraz 5% elastanu, rêkawiczki mo¿na wykorzystaæ jako docieplacze. Rozmiary S/M, M/L, L/XL.

Marke: Gabel

22,28 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Rossignol WB71 G Damskie
Rêkawice renomowanej firmy ROSSIGNOL

Model: WB71

Damskie rekawice o bardzo ³adnym wygl±dzie .
Posiadaja ¶ciagacze oraz kieszonki zapinane na zamek . Mo¿na wyko¿ystac do SKI-pass´a
Bardzo przyjemne w dotyku i zarazem super Ciep³e.
Odporne w pewnym stopniu na wobê oraz bardzo dobrze oddychajace.

Marke: Rossignol

22,72 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Reusch Inline GORE-TEX
Rêkawice Reusch

Model: Inline GORE-TEX

Rêkawice z membran± GORE-TEX posiadaj± bardzo du¿± odporno¶æ na wode oraz oddychalno¶æ.

Posiadaj± ¶ciagacz na rzep.

Bardzo ciep³e

Marke: Reusch

23,22 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Reusch Mailin Mitten 40/31/405 701 Black/White
Materia³ wewnêtrzny: PU Suregrip
Materia³ zewnêtrzny: Atlas Fibre (CY2311)
Ocieplenie: Fiberfill
Wy¶ció³ka: Micro Bemberg

Marke: Reusch

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Ski gloves Rossignol JR Racer G RL1YG08 200

Kolor: Black 200

Podszewka: Bemberg
D³oñ: Dobby - Sotina - Neopren
Wewnêtrzna czê¶æ d³oni: Soft PU grip
Izolacja: Soft FiberfilŸ
Cecha charakterystyczna: regulacja w nadgarsku na rzep, elastyczna smycz

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 200 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 304 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 309 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 716 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 964 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol L3 Baby M RLHYG05 90C 2019 Ski Gloves
Kinder 2018/2019
Kids ski mittens.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Tech IMPR G RLIYG05 304 2020 Ski Gloves
Knabenhaft | Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR TECH IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Popy IMPR G RLIYG07 200 2020 Ski Gloves
Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rossignol Jr Popy IMPR G RLIYG07 374 2020 Ski Gloves
Mädchenhaft | Kinder 2019/2020

Best-selling children´s ski gloves.

JR Popy IMPR G children´s gloves are equipped with an all-day waterproof, breathable Imp´R membrane developed by Rossignol. Their high-performance synthetic insulation provides excellent warmth. The palms are reinforced with stretch polyurethane for good ski-pole grip. Neoprene panels guarantee comfort and freedom of movement.

Marke: Rossignol

25,56 €
oben Produktdetails:

Rêkawice Rossignol I TIP Gloves RL3MG22 200 2018

Thin stretch unisex gloves for wearing in town or on the slopes, perfect for walking and hiking. I-TIP technology and the special material on the thumb and index finger on each hand mean these gloves can be used with most touchscreen devices, including smartphones, while keeping your hands warm.

Marke: Rossignol

25,80 €
oben Produktdetails:

Ski gloves Rossignol JR CARVE IMPR
Kinder 2012/2013

Wodoodporne i oddychaj±ce rêkawice narciarskie z modnym sportowym designem.




Kod produktu: RL2YG01

Podszewka: Bembeg

Wnêtrze: Herringbone - Sotina - Neopren

Wewnêtrzna czê¶æ d³oni: Soft PU grip - Stretch

Izolacja: Soft Fiberfil

Membrana: Imp´R


Marke: Rossignol

26,27 €
oben Produktdetails:

Gloves Salomon XT Wings Glove WP 328710 Black 2014/2015
Lightweight fingerless gloves, the XT Wings WP have a cabriolet cover to block out cold wind. It stuffs into a hand-back pocket when not in use.

Designed For: Windproof, Moisture Management, Functional

Marke: Salomon

27,20 €
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