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X-Bionic Energy Accumulator Pants Long Man - Produktarchiv

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105,51 €
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X-Bionic Energy Accumulator Pants Long Man

WARMS WHEN YOU´RE COLD. COOLS WHEN YOU SWEAT. The cooling effect of X-BIONICŸ Underwear is only activated once you start sweating. Its clever regulation system works with the most reliable of starters: your sweat. One-of-a-kind and effective, with its cooling power always exactly when you need it. Regulates your personal micro-climate, developed by scientists, proven by endurance athletes. You know that unpleasent feeling of being sweaty, then breaking out in goose bumps. Your body is sounding the alarm: Warning, threat of overcooling! X-BIONICŸ Underwear prevents these chills. If no sweat is present, then a unique process uses air heated by the body asthermal insulation.

  • InsulationPads on the upper thigh

    Shaped like waves, their protection lies over a large surface of the most superficial thigh muscle, thereby retaining the necessary heat next to the body to maintain muscle performance.

  • Innerlap AirConditioning ZoneŸ

    The inner thighs are less reactive to the cold. Here, woven mesh with zero insulation function allows air to circulate and aids cooling as soon as you start to sweat.

  • Air-Conditioning ChannelŸ

    The Air-Conditioning ChannelŸ is a ventilation system of channels that flow around the body, continuously carrying away moisture and warmth. It allows air to flow to body regions not normally accessible by fresh air circulation.

  • ExpansionKnee

    The accordion principle behind the ExpansionKnee improves its insulating character rather than losing it when the knee is bent. A highly flexible system of chambers and channels provide insulation by storing warm air inside.

  • Two-Step 3D-BionicSphereŸ System

    The high-tech knitting technology ensures optimal grip and climate comfort. The different ribs and surface constructions support and transport moisture as well as warmth.

  • AirConditioningSpot™

    The knee hollow perspires quickly and heavily. A fine, circular knitted fabric has been incorporated there. Perspiration dissipates and is pushed outward with the aid of body warmth without the risk of chilling.

  • ISO-CalfPad™

    Calf muscles can cool down quickly, particularly after short breaks and even if the body is still warm. This can lead to a risk of injury. The ISO-CalfPad™ retains the body‘s warmth.

  • Air GuidesŸ

    Work like spacers and borders along the Air-Conditioning ChannelŸ for effective air circulation.

  • X-BIONICŸ Partial Kompression

    A new benchmark in compression technology. Partial Kompression by X-BIONICŸ utilises the advantages of compression without neglecting cooling.

  • ISO-Pad

    Enables targeted insulation of individual body parts from a cold environment to protect the body from freezing in winter. This is how the optimised ISO-Pads retain more body heat, which is necessary to guarantee internal organ function and protect body parts which are vulnerable to cooling.

  • X-Impact Technology™

    Better performance due to graduated compression that reduces muscle oscillations, supports muscles and joints and optimises nutrient supply.

Produktcode: I20009 X39


Our shop is an authorized representative of the X-Bionic brand.

Do you expect maximum performance from your products? X-BIONICŸ thinks the same way. Which is why we never compromise, at any stage of production. Where conventional brands rely on cheap production somewhere is Asia, X-BIONICŸ relies on the European tradition. X-BIONICŸ products of unprecedented quality are produced in Northern Italy, where the high art of yarns and textiles has dominated for generations.

The use of patented high-tech procedures and highly-qualified staff is familiar to us from the automotive or computer industries. Every product detail is painstakingly elaborated, improved to perfection and superior in efficiency and function. The key is integrated production. Every phase of manufacturing complies with our highest standards, with extremely short innovation cycles. So you can be certain that the product you own is perfect in every aspect.

Isn’t that utterly irrational?”, the economists keep asking us, as they look at the higher costs. “Irrational, yes”, we reply “but it’s also infinitely more intelligent”. Because we never wanted to be the cheapest, just the best. So that you get what you pay for, 100% top quality.

To start with, the traditional textile factory in Asola, to the south of Lake Garda, only covered 1,000 square metres. But it also had quite exceptional quality standards, which led to it becoming a certified X-BIONICŸ manufacturer and, a few years later, the company facility had increased in size to more than 100,000 square metres. The standard of manufacture has remained the same and is reflected in the architecture of the new production building.


X-Bionic Energy Accumulator Pants Long Man

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